Sips Building Technologies, supplying the technology for the Manufactureing of Structurally Insulated Building Systems (Sips) Homes and Commercial Buildings

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 Structurally Insulated Panelized System (SIPs) Homes; Expanded PolyStyrene Homes & Houses













 Structurally Insulated Panelized System (SIPs) Homes; Expanded PolyStyrene Homes & Houses








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Energy Efficient Residential and Commercial SIPs Buildings

Energy Efficient, Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS), Structurally Insulated Panelized System  (SIPs) Foam Homes & Commercial Buildings for sale.  PolyStyrene & Steel Framed Foam Homes; Expanded PolyStyrene EPS & SIPs Foam Houses;  Expanded PolyStyrene EPS - SIPs Steel & Foam Commercial Buildings currently available from us.

Our Arizona SIPs Homes, House, and Building Manufactures located in Prescott Arizona can provide these Expanded PolyStyrene Foam and Steel Framed Structurally Insulated Panelized System (SIPs) Buildings, homes & Houses  anywhere  within the United States for less than a conventionally priced home, house or Building would cost.

Our Energy Efficient homes can be build for less than a traditional site built house, they will save you thousands in heating and cooling bills, are resistant to mildew, mold, insects, and you can be in one in less time than a traditional house.

Our typical 3000 sq ft houses and houses with R-30 walls, and R-50 roof structures are designed to generally have  an approximate monthly energy HVAC Costs of somewhere around $25.00 a month for "Air Conditioning and Cooling Costs" in locations similar to Phoenix Arizona during the summers,  and of around $ 20.00 to $30,00 a month for "Heater and Heating Costs" for locations similar to those in Colorado, South Dakota, and Northern Idaho during the winters.

An example of these HVAC costs; was for a home in Prescott Arizona with approx. 3400 sq.ft. of living area that averaged less than $25 a month in heating and cooling bills over the course of a year. Similarly constructed homes, houses, and commercial Buildings benefit from the same degree of Energy Efficiency  from our product. To see to see what a typical 3,000 SQ FT   house's average monthly heating and cooling costs are like go to our Energy Ratings link.

Our durable Super Strong homes have a superior survival range because our Expanded PolyStyrene SIPs Foam & Steel homes are designed to withstand winds in excess of 160 mph and to meet seismic Zone 4 requirements.

Our insect and virus resistant homes are resistant to termites, carpenter ants, and dry rot ;along with being resistant to  mold  and mildew. Out homes do not outgas because our Expanded PolyStyrene EPS SIPs Foam Homes contains no CFC's or HCFC's .

The homes can have a heating system that is perfect for individuals that have allergies or chemical sensitivities; you can have   an air purification system installed in your home that ensures clean, healthy air for all of the members of your family. 

Our homes are pre-engineered from your blue prints in as little as three weeks from the time we receive them and your per-construction funding is in escrow.

For frequently asked questions about SIPs and Expanded PolyStyrene EPS Foam Homes,  Foam Houses and EPS PolyStyrene Foam Commercial Buildings go to our SIPs -FAQ link .

For more detailed and specific technical and assembly information about our SIPs and Expanded PolyStyrene EPS Foam Homes,  Foam Houses and EPS PolyStyrene Foam Commercial Buildings please see our Sips Technical Questions  link.

After you have decided to purchase one of our Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS) SIPs Foam & Steel Buildings; please complete the following form and an experienced agent that is knowledgable in our Foam & Steel - Structurally Insulated Panelized Building System (SIPs) will contact you about the advantages of having a Expanded PolyStyrene SIPs home or house build for you.

Some of the benefits of our patented structural building system and structural panels are as follows:
  • Higher Resale Value
  • Less expensive than stick construction
  • Easier to work with and less expensive than traditional SIPs construction with OSB
  • Less expensive than metal skinned SIPs panels
  • Higher STC Values
  • Ability to meet geophysical hazards
  • Ability to meet structural and energy building codes
  • Energy Efficient
  • Easier and faster to assemble in the field
  • Superior energy savings
  • Environmental sensitivity
  • Enhanced safety and convenience
  • Significant cost savings
  • Less waste ,


For More Information E-Mail us at or use the contact form below.


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Can I help you increase the resale value of your home ?


  All personal information is held strictly confidential.

Sips Home Manufacturers.. Sips Homes for sale.. SIPs Buildings for sale,







Real Estate Financing Available in: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,  Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,  Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming


Please contact me at   for all of your real estate financing needs







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